The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Since I graduated from Penn State back in '95 a lot has happened in my life. I met my future husband 4 months after graduation and I have been happily married to Frank Krantz since 1997. We later we became the proud parents of our daughter Corah Grace in 1999. Over the years we have returned to PSU for many football games. We love to listen to our Blue Band CD on the ride to Happy Valley, which only adds to the excitement! I also enjoy visiting my old haunts like The Diner, and The Rathskeller. I'm thrilled Corah dreams of one day carrying on the proud tradition by attending and graduating from Penn State! Over the years, I've had an exciting and varied career. I began working at research laboratories. I've done everything from pharmaceutical cardiovascular research to starting up a micro lab to test candy so it would be safe for children. After 9/11 I made a major decision to stop working full-time, and to pursue a part-time profession in Real Estate. I wanted to work from home so I could spend more time with our then toddler daughter. Now that she's a bit older, I hope to begin working on a Masters, if only I can decide what else I want to be when I grow up! I consider my time at Penn State to be some of the happiest years of my life. And I hope any of my old college pals who find this bio will look me up so we can reconnect!